Well, I haven't even made it to the 2nd era yet and I've already knocked out the 4 eldest males in the Emperor family (the Fu family)...Fu made it to 71 years old and died of old age while a fire burned in the kitchen.  That fire then claimed the lives of PlantSim Uelmy & Ermy (Fu's oldest son & his mate), and Uelmy's two eldest sons (Essn & PlantSim Ery)...leaving Ma (Fu's 70 year old mate) and Uelmy and Ermy's remaining children (Uatha, twins Eani & Eashi, Otaie, and newborn Mosl)...Mosl is the only surviving male Fu in the household...Fu & Ma still have two sons who live on another lot.
Sorry its been so long.

Who am I talking too?  No one reads this!

I got another PlantSim...Yay!  So excited.  Ma Fu turned into a PlantSim in her golden years.  I spawned her a daughter (Maych Fu) and then turned her back.  I am not letting elders be PlantSims.  I don't know why, but I'm not!  Also I got some more PlantDaddies from ModTheSims2.  So I was so excited to see what Maych looked like because she would have a different PlantDaddy then Yleri's two boys (Yaleo & Yishi), they have Ideal PlantSim as their PlantDaddy.  Maych had black hair and skin 4.  Which was fine cuz I had one skin 4 boy left that didn't have a mate.  So Maych has married Oo-Oo Ugg.  I am still having trouble breeding skin 2 & 3 kids.  My inbetween skin sims (the Oworos) both have children, but they aren't making inbetween babies.  They are making skin 4s.  Yleri has two daughters with Oo-Oo Ugg and they both have skin 4.  Her Plantbabies are skin 2 but they are brothers.  I need Erodu to make a skin 2 or skin 3 kid for them to mate with.  Erodu has a son, I think, with Adduh Ugg.  But his son, Adlth has skin 4, too.  So still working on getting some more mixier kids.  Maych and Oo-Oo might make a mixed baby, cuz she has skin 1 genes from her mom.  Heres to hoping.

Also I have a couple Generation 3 teens.  Finally.  Almost Roman time!!

Also Fuma Fu died.  I don't know if I've already addresses that.  Her mate, Erman, has now taken Fuma's little sister Ishyi as a bride.  Also after Fuma's death, her daughter was taken by the social worker.  Thats the 1st and only (so far) Generation 3 kid that I've lost.
My 1st couple created for the challenge (Ugg & Duh) aged into elders.  I was so proud but also didn't really believe that any real neanderthals made it to 65.  Ugg and his eldest son, Ungers, died in the craziest fire that night.  Probably about a 7x7 square of their yard just burst into flames gobbling up Ungers.  I knew he couldn't be saved and anyone who tried would also be claimed by the flames so I told everyone to run inside (except Lala who was passed out in the cave).  But I was unable to save Ugg, who was standing 1 square from the conflagration.  So Duh was now a widow with a pregnant teenage daughter-in-law and a young granddaughter.  Lala gave birth the next day (of course to a daughter because of the dead parent rule) and we call the baby Uraye.  I figured that the next oldest son, Daimer, would usually inherit the woman so I moved him back in (the move-in money really didn't affect the game - he brought $7).  A Ceremony of Ownership was performed and now he and Lala are expecting a child.

I've had several generation 3 births now, 10 or maybe 11.  Even a plantbaby, Yaleo Oworo.  I don't really know what to do with Yaleo.  He will be an adult in 3 days but hes going to be the age of the generation 2 kids.  Should he be put on a lot and not interacted with or allow him to canoodle with the gen 2 kids?  Mod the Sims is down right now or I'd go look at the rules but I'm sure that plantsims were addressed.  I've decided to spawn a plantbaby every Monday.  I would like to download some sort of multiple ideal plantsims though for some variety and so they aren't all siblings.  Even though right now they are gonna be anyway because they will all have the same mommy, Yleri Oworo (my only plantsim).

Okay, gotta clean and cook while the baby is out with daddy.  No excuses to not accomplish real world tasks right now!
elders, Duh & Ugg
the fire that claimed Ugg and Ungers
Yleri Oworo and her son, Yaleo